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Group Discussion Topics

Written by  Piyush Bhartiya, MBA

Published on Thu, February 6, 2020 1:18 PM   Updated on Sat, March 21, 2020 2:07 PM   11 mins read

The most ethical form of controversy can be sorted out through debates, and debate is a sub-form of group discussion. Communication is the key, and every topic should be analyzed from just more than a black and white perspective.

Generally, group discussion topics revolve around current affairs, controversial subjects regarding the best and worst outcomes, and past events and their potential influences.

In most of the cases, group discussion topics on odd and bizarre subjects give rise to important perspectives we overlook. Whereas mainstream topics are lackluster. Controversial topics between two parties can lead to physical and verbal assault at times, but that doesn’t mean group discussion topics belonging to the controversial categories are biased. 

Group Discussion Topics 2020

During several recruiting procedures, companies lookout for a potential speaker who knows how to differentiate between main points from unnecessary ones. B-Schools and various institutions are more likely to be “current affairs” inclined.

Topics given can be either related directly to the welfare of the institution or not. However, group discussion topics in the year 2020 are based on events happening all around the world. 

Some of the topics are listed below,

  • Citizen Amendment Act, 2019
  • Delhi Riots 2020
  • Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan and its impact on the global economy.
  • Yes, Bank bankruptcy.
  • Article 370

Group Discussion Topics Latest

Coronavirus outbreak is the hottest topic right now, and once the companies resume their placement sessions, this will be the most given topic of 2020. The latest group discussion topics are always the most effective and important ones. If you don’t know what is going on around you, that creates a bad impression. Fortunately, 2020 already has a lot of controversial group discussion topics, and we are only in the middle of March. Being one of the destructive and happening years, 2020 is giving and probably going to give a lot by the end. 

Some of the most talked topics nowadays are,

  • Beef ban is logical.
  • Chinese goods are a threat to the world economy.
  • Corruption is a necessary evil
  • Joint family better than a nuclear family
  • Love marriage vs. Arranged marriage

Group Discussion Topics in the Interview

A comprehensive technique to analyze an individual based on his or her creative thought process is termed as Group Discussion, and recruiters stress on the “creative thought process” of their potential employees. An interview GD takes place for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes. While the discussion is going on, the panelists observe the aspirants’ body language, communication ability, clarity of thoughts, and how they present it. Group discussion topics in an interview can be based on anything, be it the company’s past deeds, politics, social issues, or sports. 

Some of the most asked interview group discussion topics are,

  • It can be based on the respective subject, educational or theoretical.
  • Love marriage vs. arrange marriage
  • Are marriage and funeral social constructs?
  • Digital India 2020
  • Is India moving forward?

Group Discussion Topics with Answers

Group discussion topics should always be dealt with on-point answers. Manipulation of body gestures is one of the most important tools in a group discussion. Once the topic is given, the first one who comes up with most of the relatable and important points is considered to be taking the lead as “the early bird catches the worm.” Rich content with good knowledge on the topic is always preferred. 

When a topic is given, the first step should be pointing out the prime points and expanding them. 

Some of the important topics are,

  • Digital India: Whom does it benefit?
    • Pros: Concept of liquid cash.
    • Cons: Electricity and education being the myths in rural areas of India.
  • Impact of Technology on Jobs
    • Pros: Efficiency with less time.
    • Cons: Rise in joblessness due to the takeover of machines. 
  • Cryptocurrency
    • Pros: Easy transfer, a rise in the digital market. 
    • Cons: High risk. 
  • Making Aadhaar Mandatory
    • Pros: Easy portability, Online database.
    • Cons: Non-atomicity, Public hassle. 

Group Discussion Topics for MBA

Group discussion is an important curriculum for MBA, and most of the group discussion topics are on current affairs, business and economy, and abstract topics. There are four types of group discussion topics for MBA,

  • Group discussion on Business and Economy includes current business trends and their impact globally and nationally. As an example,
    • Coronavirus: ‘Black Swan’ of the Global Economy; How it impacts India?
    • Telecom sector in Trouble: Good or Bad?
    • Globalization: Opportunity or threat?
  • Group discussion on Current Affairs includes national and international based affairs, politically, and the controversial issues in media. As an example,
    • Citizenship Amendment Act: What, Why, When, and Whom?
    • One Nation One Election
    • EVMs vs. Paper Ballots?
  • Group discussion on Social Issues focuses on developing a character. Thus, ethical and sensitive topics come under this niche. As an example,
    • Free Metro Ride for Women: Good or bad?
    • Women Empowerment
    • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
  • Group Discussion on Abstract topics are topics with multiple interpretations, and candidates can showcase their creativity. As an example,
    • Hard Work vs. Smart work
    • Water or Oxygen
    • Freedom is a myth

Group Discussion Topics for Engineering Students

Group discussion is an important part of the course to develop character through interactive sessions. Engineering students land jobs in IT sectors by the end of their course, and most of the group discussion topics for them are technology inclined, and sometimes industry inclined. In most cases, the topics talk about the ongoing crisis and its consequences.

A lot of unknown points pop up in the process. As an example, some of the most talked topics are listed below,

  • Crisis in the Automobile Industry
  • Are corporate jobs civilized slavery?
  • Can Artificial intelligence replace Human intelligence?
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Data Localisation – Benefits and Challenges 

Group Discussion Topics for Students

Building a good foundation for his or her child is always a parent’s responsibility, and group discussion topics can cover a lot of aspects. Students from school should be given topics based on current affairs, and students from the medical field should be given topics on the outbreak of coronavirus, etc.

The competitive spirit doesn’t remain dormant if an individual is exposed to the world of debates, as it boosts confidence and creates character.

Some of the most important topics for students are,

  • Digitalization
  • Demonetization
  • Corruption
  • Coronavirus outbreak
  • Should cannabis be legalized?

Group Discussion Topics for Freshers

A good way to analyze freshers is by putting them through an adverse situation. In a lot of schools and colleges, seniors interacting with the freshers is considered to be a healthy activity. Group discussion topics for freshers should be based on current affairs and political propagandas, that is how you get to know the deepest thought of a person. Some of the topics for freshers are,

  • CAA and NRC
  • Article 370
  • Demonetization
  • Are marriage and funeral social constructs?
  • Black Money

Group Discussion Topics for SSB

In case you want to serve your country, SSB is one of the most important platforms for the Indian Army. The group discussion topics given in an SSB interview are based on the societal crisis. While presenting your topic in front of the delegates, 

  • Stay clear and to the point
  • Support the fact with examples
  • Maintain your gestures and behavior

Some of the most asked GD topics in SSB are,

  • What is the most common problem for the youth – employment, enjoyment, or health
  • Atrocities against animals
  • Crime against women
  • How can be corruption checked
  • Who will get the maximum benefit off of GST – common people, traders, or business giants. 

Group Discussion Topics on Banking

The selection process of various bank exams is rigorous. After the written exam is over, shortlisted candidates are asked to appear for a Group discussion round, and the gd round can be tricky as it checks the candidate on several aspects based on the versatility and variation of the group discussion topics. It checks how a candidate thinks and presents his or her idea in front of more than one individual. Some of the most common group discussion topics on banking are,

  • One rank One pension scheme
  • Pros and Cons of SBI merger
  • Reservations in education and jobs
  • Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy
  • Coronavirus: ‘Black Swan’ of the Global Economy; How it impacts India?

Group Discussion Topics on Technology

The advancement of technology is giving rise to a lot of aspects, including Big data, Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. The group discussion topics on the mentioned topics can shed light on a lot of unknown corners, and with the topics, one can increase his or her knowledge on the subject as well. Some of the most recent and interactive group discussion topics on technology are,

  • Data Localisation – Benefits and Challenges 
  • Can Artificial intelligence replace Human intelligence?
  • Big Data and Information policy
  • Zero Budget Natural Farming
  • The future of cryptocurrencies

Group Discussion Topics on Environment

Mother Nature is giving up as the planet hits the boiling charts; it is suffocating and tragic to see that coronavirus is the cause of less pollution in China as the skies are turning blue. Humans are hypocrites to speak for the change in the given group discussion topics, but barely put efforts to make a change in reality. In most of the cases, the group discussion topics on environment revolve around disaster management and pollution control. Some of the given topics are,

  • Disaster Management in India
  • Nuclear Waste Management
  • Plastic Pollution
  • Use of renewable energy sources
  • Light pollution
  • Global warming

Group Discussion Topics for Sales

Various sales companies hire the best talkers as sales and marketing are mostly about convincing the customers. Most of the sales interviewers check on confidence and communication skills. The points to be noted before appearing for a sales interview are,

  • Dress well
  • Look presentable enough
  • Practice verbal gestures
  • Stress on looking confident
  • Try to speak without stammering
  • Stay on topic and to the point

Topics in a sales interview can be unpredictable, and some of them are,

  • Love marriage vs. Arranged Marriage
  • Reservation in Government sectors
  • Digital India

Group Discussion Topics on Social Media

As we are advancing towards an era controlled by the Internet, social media mediums like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Twitter have become a part of our daily life. Group discussion topics based on the widespread use of social media and its consequences have always been a hot topic for the students. Several controversial group discussion topics have risen with the given time, and each one of them has shown both the black and white sides of social media. Some of the most talked and controversial topics on social media are,

  • Facebook – a curse or a blessing?
  • Would you let your privacy out on social?
  • Is social media reliable?
  • Is YouTube a better tutor?

Group Discussion Topics on Digital Marketing

As the Internet became so handy in the 21st Century, it is easier for small scale start-ups to promote their business online for expansion purposes. In 2017, digital ad spending surpassed TV ad spending, and the survey shows most of these ads were accessed from a mobile phone than on computers.

This gives rise to several benefits and cons of Digital Marketing, resulting in more group discussion topics. Digital marketing over blogs and small articles has proved to be more efficient than newspaper advertisements, as 80% of the users do an internet search before buying the product. Some of the most important digital marketing topics are,

  • TV Marketing vs. Digital Marketing
  • Digital India
  • Games with ads are not preferred.
  • A career in digital marketing- worth it or not?

Group Discussion Topics for Youth

Group discussion shaping future minds through group discussion topics on social media. Youth is already seeing what the demerits and merits of social issues, climate change, and the Internet are.

Based on that, they have shaped their perspectives to present in front of other parties through several group discussion topics. Some of the group discussion topics for the students are,

  • Nuclear Family vs. Joint Family
  • Are Indians less quality conscious?
  • The consumer is the king – Right or wrong
  • Censorship on Social Media

Group Discussion Topics on Education

Taking the present scenario as an example, education in India is moving forward. A lot of aspirants are getting into top-class institutions worldwide, and as per the world rankings, the Indian Education system is one of the toughest systems to crack. This gives rise to a lot of potential group discussion topics, and some of them are,

  • Higher Education in India
  • Detention – Pros and Cons
  • Exam Paper leaks
  • NEET – Pros and Cons
  • Private universities in India – Pros and Cons

Group Discussion Topics on Health Care

As health is wealth, public healthcare is one of the main concerns right now during the outbreak of coronavirus as it is fatal for elderlies. Group discussion topics on healthcare can point out the loopholes of several healthcare systems that reflect on the poor health facility and weak medical infrastructure. Some of the most talked topics on healthcare are,

  • Healthcare- Availability, Affordability, and Accessibility
  • We are accountable for our health
  • Public Health
  • Lack of Medical Equipment in Government Hospitals
  • Vaccination of Infants- Pros and Cons

About the Author & Expert


Piyush Bhartiya

Author • MBA • 20 Years

Piyush values education and has studied from the top institutes of IIT Roorkee, IIM Bangalore, KTH Sweden and Tsinghua University in China. Post completing his MBA, he has worked with the world's # 1 consulting firm, The Boston Consulting Group and focused on building sales and marketing verticals for top MNCs and Indian business houses.

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