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Comprehension Passage

Written by  Vishesh Chogtu

Published on Thu, February 20, 2020 9:54 AM   Updated on Tue, June 23, 2020 12:49 PM   4 mins read
Source: Dear Sir

Comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret something. Reading comprehension is the ability to read, process, and understand any content given. The main steps of reading comprehension are read a passage, understand a passage, make connections with already existing knowledge, and think about the topic in depth.

For any comprehension passage given, the pattern is the passage first, followed by the question about it. Some misconceptions are often said to start reading just the first and last lines of any given passage and also to read only the questions at first. It is not possible to remember all the questions. 

To read a good comprehension, one must possess various strong skills such as the most basic one being the reading speed, vocabulary power, logical ability, analytical ability, reasoning ability, identify the main reason of the passage and remember the important information from the passage to answer the questions followed. With all the specified skills, one’s main motive is to answer the questions asked related to the passage, and that is the final one that fetches the marks. 

After reading about the comprehension passage and the required skills, you must be wondering how to go about this and solve it with the best outcomes. With this question in mind, this blog is an absolute help to you.

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Let’s get started step-wise as to how to go through this question.

  1. Read the passage as fast as possible.
  2. Understand the main points. 
  3. Learn to segregate the main points of each paragraph and learn the tone of the passage that the author sets in.
  4. Read sentences of each paragraph one at a time.
  5. After a paragraph, paraphrase the paragraph into your own and simple words. 
  6. In the course of reading, underline the important keywords and the words that change the course of the statement. 
  7. Any examples mentioned in the passage are important to note.
  8. Now that you are ready with the points needed, and have read the whole passage, move on to the questions.
  9. As you read the question, identify the keywords given in the question.
  10. With the keywords identified, check for the same word in the gist of passage you have created.
  11. Once you identify the paragraph, go to that paragraph and read 2 or 3 sentences above and below that given sentence that contains the keyword.
  12. The answer to that question is always in those few lines.
  13.  If any question asks about the general purpose of the passage, the answer to this question is usually in the first paragraph of the whole passage. If not, it will be in the first sentence of the second paragraph.
  14. For questions such as the tone of the author, one must understand the whole paragraph in a gist, at least while reading it the first time.

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All these points above help you to solve any difficult comprehension passage without wasting much time. If you do not understand any word, note it just in case it is asked later. If it is asked later, try to get the purpose of the sentence, then you shall get an idea of it. To improve your comprehension skills, learn new words each day, and implement in your daily conversations. Practice a lot of them to ace this part in no time. 

The MOST IMPORTANT TIP to excel in Comprehension passage is to stay CALM, RELAXED, AND COMPOSED. Do not panic at the length of the passage or any non-understanding of words. I believe this blog shall help you in acing the comprehensions.


What is the comprehension passage?

Ans. Comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret something. Reading comprehension is the ability to read, process, and understand any content given.
The main steps of reading comprehension are read a passage, understand a passage, make connections with already existing knowledge, and think about the topic in depth.

How do you solve English passages?

Ans. Tips to solve a comprehension passage:
1. Read all the questions written below and start reading the passage.
2. First, read the question and start finding the answer in the entire passage.
3. Just read all the question stems, without reading the answer options.

What are the 3 types of comprehension?

Ans. There are 4 types of comprehension:
1. Literal – Asserted facts in the text: Data, specifics, dates, features, and settings.
2. Inferential – Build on facts in the text: Predictions, series, and settings.
3. Evaluative – Judgement of text based on Facts or opinion, validity, appropriateness, comparison, cause, and effect.

What are the different comprehension skills?

Ans. Here are different compression skills need to improve:
1. Vocabulary
2. Decoding is an important step in the reading process
3. Fluency
3. Sentence Structure and Coherence
4. Logic and Background Knowledge
5. Working Memory and Attention.

About the Author & Expert


Vishesh Chogtu

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